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Safety environment management

Management respecting human and environment

Management respecting human and environment

ISO 14001

Daeyong Industry is protecting the environment which we live in, striving to create an environment that is sustainable, and building on protecting human respect and environment as the foundation of the management activities.

In 2000, Daeyong achieved the ISO 14001 Series, the first international standard, and has continued to comply to international environmental management certifications through continuous renewal, review, & evaluation. In addition, by establishing human / material / organizational procedures, we are striving to establish a sustainable management environment.

Environmental Management System
Environmental Management System
Response to climate change
(reduction of greenhouse gases)

Execution of socially responsible role and duty for the environmental problems caused by greenhouse gases

Reduction of pollutant emissions

Emission reduction activities to enable sustainable management

Environmental Management Strategy

Establishment of in-house standards beyond regulations

  • Compliance with the law
  • Disaster & pollution prevention
  • Goal establishment & execution
  • Continuous improvement
  • Social responsibility & Transparency
Air Pollution Prevention

In order to minimize dust, NOx and SOx emissions generated during the production process, we operate the most suitable preventative facilities and use LNG gas, which is clean energy, as fuel.
Daeyong Industry is continually expanding our investment in environment-friendly processes.

물리적 처리
화학적 처리
Water Quality Prevention
The highest priority will be given to the creation of an environment capable of conserving and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems. All wastewater generated during the production process is collected and transported in isolated conditions, and is purified and discharged to meet the emission standards through physical treatment, pH control, & chemical treatment at the wastewater treatment plant.